Today's post is regarding those people who have the urge to knock on your door, and solicit you. Ask yourself this; has a person knocked on your door to sell you books, candy, sell you some religion? We have all experienced this. I hate telemarketers worse, but the point is everyone once in a while a stranger feels the need to visit and solicit me with something. Imagine you have worked all night, took that deserving shower, and about 1 to 2 hours into hitting the bed. The door bell goes off. You have 2 options at this point. Answer or ignore the bell for 30 minutes.
Today, three women knocked on my door and approached me with their religion. The Jehovah's Witness. I was supposed to be convinced with 3 of these small magazines, and a hour of talk time. Now for the record I am aware that the bible says to spread the word. I also admire people who are willing to confront me with something positive. However, I am one of those people who if I want something or am seeking something I personally go after it myself.
Now as per every post I try to make a reply to the preseidential election. We all are aware how important a president is. We also are used to hearing the same promises term after terms. We gonna change this, make this better, improve healthcare, cut taxes. I think our economy is in the owrst shape its been in, since I have been living. The issue with me is this. I consider myself a republican, but after the Bush years I am very opposed to how he handle issues. Ray charles could see the problems we are having. On the other hand Obama does have some idea's that are sounding good. But then again every presidential election we here greatness from the candidates. I wish they had to put in writing what they promise. Heck anyone can make empty promises, as long as they don't have to honor their verbally spoken words. I would have never thought I would live to see the day when gas hit $4 a gallon, or black man in the running for president, and to top all that a women in the office. But in my opinion Hillary was running the country when Clinton was in office anyway. Then the other choice is the old guy who looks like he is on the edge of Hospice care. I think the easiest way to get honest results that we the American Tax payer deserve is simply this. When a bill or law is considered, we the tax payers who in the end pay for it, we should have a vote. This vote would consist of a simple and easily accessible webpage to make a decision or vote on. Log in by social security number, and a pass question. Then vote your decision. Whichever option has 51% or more wins! That way we the people really did have a say in what goes on in our government. Special Interest groups wouldn't run our country, hard to buy a whole country of people, compared to a few in a office. Sounds simple, but it will never happen! We are not much more than a democracy ourself. Yes we get to vote for President, by the very confusing electorial college, that no-one really understands. In a real peoples choice situation, the Tax payers, the funding of the country would have a lot more say in those bills, and laws they pass. Its not really right that a bunch of overpaid politicians who really don't live by the laws they pass. Its not right to pass a bill that you don't follow, or will never experience. Please feel free to post replies, that's what this is all about. I hope you all have a bright day, and can relate to my post. Anthony Coons Baxter TN
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