Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Crappy Job Market

Hello, and welcome back! Today I will be discussing my opinion or view on the job market. Imagine you just got oh college, or another form oh "Higher" education. You are bound in financial debt to pay the educational expenses. Now you are so excited. Finally you have the education they require to better your career. You walk in with your head held high. You just know you have that career, or JOB. Then you discover you don't have the "Experience" they require. Now you are in for a suprise, didn't expect that uh. So what do you do now?
    Either pray you know somebody that know's somebody, and they hook you up. Or, you leave for the door and hop from place to place, looking to fill your void, until you find success. Now you know this is not fair, but then again, you have always heard this happens. Beside the fact you have bills, and now a education loan to re-pay what do we do now? You could apply at McDonalds and make that minimum wage, or maybe Wal-Mart is hiring. You do neither of these and keep pounding the pavement, hey someone is gonna give me a break, thats what you tell yourself anyway. 
    In the same place their is people who are "Over" qualified! Now that is real funny you think to yourself as you read this. So basically their is 3 places in life you stand at this point. 1. Under-Qualified 2. Over-Qualified 3. somewhere in-between. So how do you change your current position? Well, it depends on who you ask. In my opinion here is how that works. If you are a man you hope the big dog is a woman, and you are a smooth talker, and slowly work that angle. If you are a woman and the big chief is a man, you work your angle, and get in the door. 
    Now that we have covered the job market facts. How does it affect the overall economy? Look around you, and it is easy to see. We have teenagers working at all the retail stores, that they would have to give a days pay for one outfit. Look at the local resturant, you love to dine at so often. What you see? Teenagers or college kids serving your food, selling you clothes. Now we the big earners are supposed to work at companies or own a business, and these people, the teenagers we are supposed to hire. Why? One big reason is they will work for hardly nothing, compared to someone who knows the real world. Can you imagine working at O'Charleys and making only $2.13 per hour? No! and you wouldn't consider it. 
    The problem with all this is this. These young people will one day rule your economy, your government, and yes when you are looking at social security, guess what? That person once upon a time was expected to live on crap wages, why in the world do they wanna give you a big handout? Because see while you were eating $20 steak dinners, and drinking $8.50 drinks, they were serving you and thier tax money went to support you, and all they got was $2.13 an hour. 
    Any average person knows that we are losing the industrial ground by leaps and bounds. We were told in the Clinton years that America was gonna become the Technological age. Sounds great don't it. With college tuition going up almost 18% or more per year, and inflation at 8% per year, and gas hitting $4 a gallon. How in the world is a $2.13 a hour person  gonna afford that college education? They don't! The result is more obvious every year. We keep losing job's, and we keep outsourcing to foreign countries. We are not just outsourcing our Industrial jobs, but also the Technological jobs. Here is a example of proof. Order a DELL computer, now call that toll free 24/7 Technical support. Now see what service you get. You get a foreigner you can't understand. Why? He or she is making pennies on the dollar of what they would pay a American employee. But I thought America was gonna be a Technological economy! 
    So in my final point, here is a solution for some that will work. If you are willing to waste $4 a gallon for fuel to make $2 to $8 a hour, consider this. First you are only makeing about $72 a day gross income, the average American commute is 30 miles. If you are driving a car that gets an average of 20MPG then you are spending $16 a day for gas, and paying 15% income tax (if single) and you do not get paid for that drive time. Now what did you really make that day? I can tell you, not enough! Now imagine working at home, not paying a fuel bill, and no commute, and the luck to work in in your boxers or thongs! Sounds nice uh? Now making a fair goal, but be persistent on gaining ground by 3% per month, that is minimal. Now remember you can or should be able to make a little less money, because you are saving lots of fuel that at the current rate adds up very fast. Plan to maintain or exceed your your last public job within 90 days or so. The key to working at home is simple. Be focused and be determined. Maintain a schedule, and always follow-up with potiential clients. Remember client are your income, and now way of life, without them you starve.      Have a great day America.....Anthony Coons

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