Thursday, October 16, 2008

Online Dating

    Today's Post is regarding the online dating scene. According to "The Wall Street Journal" over 2 million people have gotten married off the online dating services. The bad news or the con is over 4 million have gotten divorced, because of someone they met online.
    One person surveyed said I would never cheat on my wife. Not because so much that I love her. But because I  love the home I have worked so hard for. I respect my home to much to just give it to my wife, over sex with a one night stand.
    We all have looked online, either by chat rooms, or those dating services. Heck 8 of 10 men said they have viewed porn sites on the net. Looking at porn and doing the deed are another thing thou. We all have fantasies, or I hope anyway. It is determined that after years of constant relationship with that someone special, that things seem to get predictable, or even just old, and dead at worst. 
   So what do men and women do when the relationship is not what It used to be? Either look online, and see the options, or just plan out commit the one night stand. Most people who have cheated on a spouse or a close relationship did so either with a fellow co-worker, or the hottie they met at the bar, or club. With internet advancing every aspect of our lives, its hard to see that we pay a monthly charge for this, in which leads to betrayal of a relationship. For most they say I will only do it one time, but then again, what if they enjoyed it? Some cheat and never get physically busted, then some just lie to themself and only fool themself in the end.
    Men if you are the man income source, and have a nice home, and a child or two, you may want to re-think your options. Look at it this way people. Is that hottie worth your home, paying child support, and loss of respect you had? NO! I myself have been married, and now divorced, now I did not get divorced due to online cheating, or sex with another person. I got divorced because we the wife and I argued more than we were making love, so it ended. Now yes when married I looked, all the time, and even thought it out a time or two. I have been tempted myself, with all the good looking women out there, its hard to be contained, if you are miserable in your everyday relationship. We seek something new, fun, and exciting, its human nature. So instead of screwing up your life, your kids, and your spouse, just talk to one another. If you or them is bored, talk about how to make it fun again. After all you are life long partners, you better find a way to deal with them for life. Either sexually, mentally, or emotionally we all have a period of time, when we are not happy with one aspect or another of our life.
    If you are unhappy with all three categories of your relationship, then do the honest thing and divorce, before you commit the sin! In some situations both partners have the same concerns or gaps. If both of you agree the sex life isn't what it should be, consider a therapist, or even agree to attend sessions were you both agree to have sex with other partners, only if both of you can handle this. Of course, make sure all partners are clean and tested. Maybe this will solve the problem, then again either of you may like it to much, and divorce anyway, but at least you BOTH tried.
    Open relationship are bad for most, and the norm for others. If you wish for pure one night stands do it in a manner you can't get caught. Go out of town, use a fake name, make sure this fling does not really know you or the spouse. Wear a freaking condom boys, crap happens even to a stud like you, trust me on this one! Never mess with a coworker, or the friends you both know, this is trouble right off, ever heard of blackmail? Never give out your cell number, they have records, also create a email on a account the other person in the relationship does not know. Always and I mean always clear out the history on your computer. Clean out those bad emails in you inbox, that is proof in black and white. Use good common sense people!
    For the record I don't condone or recommend anyone to cheat. I am only saying 10, 20, 30 years with the same person can and most for sure will get boring or out of date, at some point. Try talking out your concerns, then if that doesn't work divorce, or cheat in a way you don't get caught. This applies to men and women alike, not just the men, who are usually the one accused. Remember relationships take 2 people to work, usually adding more people into the mix will only worsen things. Like I said earlier thou, crap happens to us all, life is a mere test of you wits. Have a great day America, and keep your pants up, unless you have no choice.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Hard Drives VS Solid State Drives

    Today's Post is in regard to several emails I recently have been getting. Many people are noticing a crumbling economy. At the same time computer makers are noting this as well. To stay in business, and help reduce market loss, the computer developers look at many things when developing new electronics into the market. Other than just development cost, what will consumers want most out of a device, and how cost effective can that device be built. With understanding of what consumers want in a computer, 85% of American's say having the internet available on their PC is the most important feature. Another 18% say being able to provide media on a portable level is key to them. Now all that said only 7% of Americans said the main reason to purchase a PC was for actual data, that was non-media related.
   So 85% is a big percentage right? If you are a business developer, and don't want to lose market share, and still wanted to attract new customers. I ask you what would you do? I prime market right now for small compact computing is the Asus Eee notebook computers. It has basic software pre-installed, saving the consumer money. Also the biggest thing people want is Internet access, so they have answered. With a very small hard drive, and no optical drives, this makes the device ver cost efficient to make and to market. At the same time being cheaper, it has shown due to incredible sales since its release earlier in the year. The device has shown to be great for parents looking to shut their kid up, as well as minimum wage earner college kids. Since the web offers almost everything these days, seem a great product. These mobile wonders still offer USB, so hooking up a thumb drive is a option. I almost forgot, these little mobile wonders are working on 2 to 8 gigabyte solid state drives.
    Now as per request by hundreds of emails. What is the pro's and con's of Solid State drives. I also will answer in my opinion the major reason for using one or the other. First a Solid State HD has no moving parts, and is much smaller in size, however does cost lots more per GB than a traditional Hard Drive. I will give a example, A apple touch with 16gb of solid state memory is $249 were as a apple ipod classic with 120gb of hard drive is $279. Yes one is still higher, but did you notice the capacity difference here? Now a Hard Drive is more cost efficient, however has moving parts called Plates that turn in rotation. Their is less stutter in solid state, but not really enough to condone the huge cost difference. 
   In my thoughts if you want most space for the money go Hard Drive. If you are one of those who are not media hogs then try the Solid State Drive Based units. My view is this Hard Drives have been in the game a long time, and have gotten bigger and better all the years. I prefer experience over marketing myself. Would you not rather have a doctor who has been a surgeon for years work on you, or the new guy, with new idea's? I have a Toshiba Tecra Laptop I bought in 1998, it has a 30gb Hard Drive, guess what still works, and almost 10 years old. Solid State sounds great, but not even been out 10 years. 
    Bottom Line: If you are seeking basic Internet, and not real big into movie and media downloads, then the Solid State is Perfect. Internet Radio is getting bigger as well, and takes no space on your computer. However if you are a media junkie, like me, and download $400 a month off I-Tunes, and rip DVD movies, and loads thousands of pictures, a solid state is a total joke. Thanks and as always, be tight with that money, Anthony Coons

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Crappy Job Market

Hello, and welcome back! Today I will be discussing my opinion or view on the job market. Imagine you just got oh college, or another form oh "Higher" education. You are bound in financial debt to pay the educational expenses. Now you are so excited. Finally you have the education they require to better your career. You walk in with your head held high. You just know you have that career, or JOB. Then you discover you don't have the "Experience" they require. Now you are in for a suprise, didn't expect that uh. So what do you do now?
    Either pray you know somebody that know's somebody, and they hook you up. Or, you leave for the door and hop from place to place, looking to fill your void, until you find success. Now you know this is not fair, but then again, you have always heard this happens. Beside the fact you have bills, and now a education loan to re-pay what do we do now? You could apply at McDonalds and make that minimum wage, or maybe Wal-Mart is hiring. You do neither of these and keep pounding the pavement, hey someone is gonna give me a break, thats what you tell yourself anyway. 
    In the same place their is people who are "Over" qualified! Now that is real funny you think to yourself as you read this. So basically their is 3 places in life you stand at this point. 1. Under-Qualified 2. Over-Qualified 3. somewhere in-between. So how do you change your current position? Well, it depends on who you ask. In my opinion here is how that works. If you are a man you hope the big dog is a woman, and you are a smooth talker, and slowly work that angle. If you are a woman and the big chief is a man, you work your angle, and get in the door. 
    Now that we have covered the job market facts. How does it affect the overall economy? Look around you, and it is easy to see. We have teenagers working at all the retail stores, that they would have to give a days pay for one outfit. Look at the local resturant, you love to dine at so often. What you see? Teenagers or college kids serving your food, selling you clothes. Now we the big earners are supposed to work at companies or own a business, and these people, the teenagers we are supposed to hire. Why? One big reason is they will work for hardly nothing, compared to someone who knows the real world. Can you imagine working at O'Charleys and making only $2.13 per hour? No! and you wouldn't consider it. 
    The problem with all this is this. These young people will one day rule your economy, your government, and yes when you are looking at social security, guess what? That person once upon a time was expected to live on crap wages, why in the world do they wanna give you a big handout? Because see while you were eating $20 steak dinners, and drinking $8.50 drinks, they were serving you and thier tax money went to support you, and all they got was $2.13 an hour. 
    Any average person knows that we are losing the industrial ground by leaps and bounds. We were told in the Clinton years that America was gonna become the Technological age. Sounds great don't it. With college tuition going up almost 18% or more per year, and inflation at 8% per year, and gas hitting $4 a gallon. How in the world is a $2.13 a hour person  gonna afford that college education? They don't! The result is more obvious every year. We keep losing job's, and we keep outsourcing to foreign countries. We are not just outsourcing our Industrial jobs, but also the Technological jobs. Here is a example of proof. Order a DELL computer, now call that toll free 24/7 Technical support. Now see what service you get. You get a foreigner you can't understand. Why? He or she is making pennies on the dollar of what they would pay a American employee. But I thought America was gonna be a Technological economy! 
    So in my final point, here is a solution for some that will work. If you are willing to waste $4 a gallon for fuel to make $2 to $8 a hour, consider this. First you are only makeing about $72 a day gross income, the average American commute is 30 miles. If you are driving a car that gets an average of 20MPG then you are spending $16 a day for gas, and paying 15% income tax (if single) and you do not get paid for that drive time. Now what did you really make that day? I can tell you, not enough! Now imagine working at home, not paying a fuel bill, and no commute, and the luck to work in in your boxers or thongs! Sounds nice uh? Now making a fair goal, but be persistent on gaining ground by 3% per month, that is minimal. Now remember you can or should be able to make a little less money, because you are saving lots of fuel that at the current rate adds up very fast. Plan to maintain or exceed your your last public job within 90 days or so. The key to working at home is simple. Be focused and be determined. Maintain a schedule, and always follow-up with potiential clients. Remember client are your income, and now way of life, without them you starve.      Have a great day America.....Anthony Coons

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Front Door Marketing

    Today's post is regarding those people who have the urge to knock on your door, and solicit you. Ask yourself this; has a person knocked on your door to sell you books, candy, sell you some religion? We have all experienced this. I hate telemarketers worse, but the point is everyone once in a while a stranger feels the need to visit and solicit me with something. Imagine you have worked all night, took that deserving shower, and about 1 to 2 hours into hitting the bed. The door bell goes off. You have 2 options at this point. Answer or ignore the bell for 30 minutes. 
    Today, three women knocked on my door and approached me with their religion. The Jehovah's Witness. I was supposed to be convinced with 3 of these small magazines, and a hour of talk time. Now for the record I am aware that the bible says to spread the word. I also admire people who are willing to confront me with something positive. However, I am one of those people who if I want something or am seeking something I personally go after it myself. 
   Now as per every post I try to make a reply to the preseidential election. We all are aware how important a president is. We also are used to hearing the same promises term after terms. We gonna change this, make this better, improve healthcare, cut taxes. I think our economy is in the owrst shape its been in, since I have been living. The issue with me is this. I consider myself a republican, but after the Bush years I am very opposed to how he handle issues. Ray charles could see the problems we are having. On the other hand Obama does have some idea's that are sounding good. But then again every presidential election we here greatness from the candidates. I wish they had to put in writing what they promise. Heck anyone can make empty promises, as long as they don't have to honor their verbally spoken words. I would have never thought I would live to see the day when gas hit $4 a gallon, or black man in the running for president, and to top all that a women in the office. But in my opinion Hillary was running the country when Clinton was in office anyway. Then the other choice is the old guy who looks like he is on the edge of Hospice care. I think the easiest way to get honest results that we the American Tax payer deserve is simply this. When a bill or law is considered, we the tax payers who in the end pay for it, we should have a vote. This vote would consist of a simple and easily accessible webpage to make a decision or vote on. Log in by social security number, and a pass question. Then vote your decision. Whichever option has 51% or more wins! That way we the people really did have a say in what goes on in our government. Special Interest groups wouldn't run our country, hard to buy a whole country of people, compared to a few in a office. Sounds simple, but it will never happen! We are not much more than a democracy ourself. Yes we get to vote for President, by the very confusing electorial college, that no-one really understands. In a real peoples choice situation, the Tax payers, the funding of the country would have a lot more say in those bills, and laws they pass. Its not really right that a bunch of overpaid politicians who really don't live by the laws they pass. Its not right to pass a bill that you don't follow, or will never experience. Please feel free to post replies, that's what this is all about. I hope you all have a bright day, and can relate to my post. Anthony Coons Baxter TN 

Thursday, October 2, 2008

New Ipod release

Hello, my name is Anthony. I am a avid fan of technology. I like to feel like most of us are. Today's issue is the NEW Ipod releases. The ipod is for the most part very amazing. I remember back in the 90's a computer was lucky if it had 10gb of storage. Now American's all over want 16 to 160 gig in the pocket. Its astonishing how we come to expect things. I myself have the newest laptop, well most of the time, also PS3, and now 160 gig ipod classic in my Technological arsenal. I am 31 and being as when I was growing up, this cool stuff did not come to exist. A laptop with 320 gig of storage. I ipod holding 160 gig! Wow we have come far in these advancements. Not just in technology have we changed, but in our economics. First I am in no way a political advisor, or a advocate of any sort. The economy has also changed, as well and as fast as technology. However not for the better thou. The housing market, well it is great if you have money to invest. However it is bad if you are one of the thousands that took advantage of the  ARM loans of a few years ago. I find myself watching the news and people complaining about the situation everyday. Its odd to see people who bought homes, who failed to realize that the mortgage rate was adjustable, according to the economy, and rates. I for the most part being only 31 saw this problem, and all it would do, and cause. I think people should know one small fact. In our age and time of wages, and crappy healthcare, and the horrible inflation rate, on top of energy rates. I saw and do see this problem now, and seen it years ago. People have always been accustomed to expecting more, and eventually paying less. Now, the tables are turning, and American's are not liking that new taste in thier mouth. The average American income is around $65k a year. The average home is $168k! A fair vehicle runs around $24k. Now in the last decade people have been paying 21% to 29% for finance loans. Need a payday a little faster? People are borrowing $200.00 and repaying $230 for what 2 weeks of time. That come's to over 900% annual percentage rate. Now if we are willing to pay 900% rate for a small $200 loan, is it really fair that you complain about your ignorance for buying a multi-thousand dollar home on a ARM plan? Be honest with yourself here! Enough about finances for the day. My goal here is to give a dL or down low to those who will hear it. I hope all is well for you, and that the finance world will play out better. But we need more than HOPE, we need RESULTS! Here are some tips: 1. make less trips to wal-mart 2. shop online for retailers that are not in your state, why? You pay no taxes, and is shipped to you, a huge gas saver, and at $4 a gallon, worth looking into. 3. try to avoid buying the newest gadget as soon as it come out, wait a few months, and the prices will drop, or hey what about ebay, or LSN? 4. Do more at home with the family, and spend less, and accomplish more. On a final note, if you just can't wait to shop, and want to try online shopping with one site offering all the cool technology, visit  Here you will find all the stuff you think you need, to make your life better. Have a incredible day. Our next BLOG will be about presidential candidates and what they have in common with all other presidents in history. Visit again soon! Anthony